As the first National Leader and Executive Director of L’Arche USA (1998-2006), Joan paved the way for those of us who would follow. Her bright spirit, her tenacious commitment to L’Arche’s mission, and her engaging manner meant Joan enjoyed friends near and far on her journey. For them, and for Joan’s family, we lift up a life well lived and a prayer for peace.
Joan worked tirelessly to make this world a better place, she gave her all in any causes she involved herself in. She was a faithful friend to all that she met on her that journey, including so many from L’Arche across the world.
– Alex Gagnon, former L’Arche assistant
Joan Eads was a person of remarkable compassion, affection and generosity. In her late 30’s, she left her home and life in Maryland to take on the leadership of a community in crisis on the opposite side of the continent. She did so because she was moved by concern for the wellbeing of the community’s core members.
Joan addressed the challenges of the Victoria community with skill, tact and valor. Her capacity to not only see and name things accurately, but also to address them in a wholesome, honest and life-giving way that sought unity and restored people’s faith in the mission of L’Arche. She turned the community around and reestablished good relations with the Ministry in a remarkably short period of time. As the first Zone Coordinator of L’Arche USA, Joan did much to ensure the primacy of communities’ needs above all else, invested in their well-being and fostered trust and transparency which helped bring harmony to divergent groups.
Joan’s love for the core members was deep and unwavering. She made it a point to get to know each individual she encountered, and her genuine concern was evident in the way she remembered and inquired about them. She delighted in small things, like receiving boxes of her favorite cookies, Lorna Doones. Joan’s remarkable talent for making us feel at home in her presence put us at ease, and we will dearly miss her hearty laugh and her incredibly big heart.
– Gerry Scully, former Community Leader, L’Arche Seattle
One of Joan’s greatest gifts to L’Arche and to each of us who knew her was the way she modeled authentic friendship that is rare and sacred: friendship with our core members, board members, donors, community leaders and assistants. Her desire for genuine community, her hope for justice, and her capacity for love were wide and deep and sustaining. Joan was also the one who urged our fledging USA zone to be skeptical of religious claims that diminished the full humanity of our core members and that kept L’Arche communities from embracing the other, from offering the welcome that is at our core. Her wisdom, love and vision shaped L’Arche USA in profound ways.
– David Jenkins, Past President, L’Arche USA Board of Directors
Joan Eads lived with a profound passion for social justice and love for people – especially those who were hidden or dismissed by society. All who met her felt seen and valued.
The early days of L’Arche USA were often contentious. We needed a unifier. With her warmth of spirit and hearty laugh, Joan Eads was able to bring people together and build trust between the communities of L’Arche in the U.S. — and beyond. As we used to say with affection, we were in the Joan Zone. Peace to you, Boss.
– Joan Mahler, Former L’Arche USA National Leader
Joan was the wind beneath the wings of L’Arche USA. She came into a role that didn’t exist. She was a pioneer in the modern world. She founded a new zone (a former L’Arche organizational structure) with only a broken answering machine! Joan brought with her energy, passion, faith, knowledge and a great deal of love. She intentionally and thoughtfully made connections with each Community Leader and the Board Presidents. She visited communities where she got to know “her people” so she could lead them. Joan was great at calling out people’s gifts. The gifts of others helped her to build a financial base and develop policies and procedures and plenty of documents. Public speaking was one of her many gifts. I remember a talk when she told us that” we must put a fire in our bellies for L’Arche.” Joan was the first person to represent L’Arche USA on the International Council. She represented us well. She traveled so much internationally that she could look up in the skies of Seattle and know which plane was going to which country by the time of day. She put 100 percent of her time and energy into giving L’Arche USA the foundation for which it stands today.
– Jo Anne Horstmann, former L’Arche assistant, Community Leader of L’Arche Clinton and Central U.S. Regional Coordinator
Joan has been my accompanier for a very long time. I am thankful for the many hours she has been with me talking about all the joys and challenges of daily life in L’Arche! She always helped me feel valued and encouraged and appreciated. It was especially helpful because we had similar experiences, growing “old” together and treasuring our relationships in community. I am including a photo of Joan and Bob Middleton from L’Arche Erie. Bob passed away 12/3/22. We were able to share lots of stories, laughs, and even a few tears in our mutual love for Bob at the time. Joan was a blessing and a treasure to me. We have been praying for Joan and finding comfort in the thought that Bob is in heaven, getting ready to welcome Joan with one of his famous hugs!
– Connie Reinwald
When Joan became the first Zone Coordinator (the title at the time) of L’Arche USA, she was flying solo with a broken answering machine. Joan brought us together as a Zone with her deep commitment, countless hours of labor, and affirmation of community leaders and assistants. Joan had the gift of making you feel as though you were the only person in the room. She always had time to listen. What I will always remember is her deep love for the core members. It was so evident they were closest to her heart.
– Clarissa McDearmon