Thank you.
You may also mail a check to:
L’Arche USA, 2475 SE Ladd Ave, Suite 430, Portland, OR 97214
Want to make a donation through your Donor Advised Fund?
Clients of BNY Mellon, Fidelity Charitable, and Schwab Charitable can make a designation through the DAF Direct tool.
If your DAF sponsoring organization does not participate in DAF Direct, please have them direct your gift to the address at the bottom of the page.
L’Arche USA is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to L’Arche USA are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. L’Arche USA’s tax identification number is 91-1355711.
Your donation through this site is secure, and your data is protected.
Learn more here.