Kyla: Hi! Could you please tell me your names?
Annie: Auntie Annie
Becca: Annie likes to go by Auntie Annie. Is it because you have three nephews?
Annie: Yeah!
Becca: Right. I heard about the new baby! And I’m Becca.
Kyla: So, how long have you guys been with L’Arche?
Annie: Since 2016.
Becca: So, about 7 or 8 years for Annie. And I’ve been here for four years.
Kyla: Okay, cool! So, what is one of your favorite hobbies or interests?
Annie: Going to Starbucks.
Kyla: Nice!
Becca: I love going for walks for coffee as well as reading; those are a couple of my favorites.
Kyla: Great. Next question: Have you guys learned anything from each other since meeting at L’Arche?
Annie: Being kind to other people.
Becca: We talked together about how Annie always has a sweet word for everyone she knows or meets and is very kind. That is one thing I’ve picked up from her and have learned from her. Being kind and gentle goes a long way.
Kyla: Yes, it sure does. What is your favorite thing to do in the community?
Annie: Having guests!
Becca: We love to party. I feel like a lot of L’Arches are like that. We love to celebrate anything we can, birthdays or holidays, or even the Super Bowl. We were really excited about our Super Bowl party.
Kyla: Sounds fun! So, the next question I have is how has living at L’Arche changed you?

Annie: Learning about loving other people.
Becca: Yeah, we learn to love people and appreciate their differences. … Realizing God made us each unique and that he shows love for all of us, and that we need to do that for each other.
Kyla: That’s nice. Like we’re a flower in a garden.
Becca: That’s a good analogy.
Kyla: Yes. Okay, final question: How do you think L’Arche impacts the community around you?
Becca: We’re pretty involved in the community. Right, Annie? What do we like to do in Spokane?
Annie: Have Starbucks!
Becca: [Laughs.] Well, we are also involved in the church here, and like to go to local events in Spokane. It’s really cool to see members of the community find friends when we’re out and about. We always see someone we know, which is fun.
Kyla: That’s good.
Becca: And as Annie said, we have a Starbucks close by the house, so we always walk there. All the workers know Annie and are always happy to see her!
Annie: [Smiles.]
Kyla: Alright, well I hope you all get some Starbucks soon. That’s all for today! Thank you so much for talking with me.
Becca: Thank you so much! It was great to meet you.
Annie: Bye. Thank you!
Learn more about L’Arche Spokane at