Report a concern
L’Arche USA is committed to ensuring that every L’Arche community and workplace is safe. Please fill out the following form if you have experienced, witnessed, or received a report of any misconduct in a L’Arche community or workplace. Such misconduct can include but is not limited to physical abuse, harassment, and sexual abuse. You can submit a report for both past incidents as well as current ones.
If you provide your contact information, it will not be shared with anyone without your agreement. If you agree, it will only be shared with individuals that need to know in order to investigate incidents that are reported. If information is passed on in an anonymous basis, the information must be corroborated through further investigation before action can be taken. Individuals who choose to file anonymous reports are advised that it may be very difficult for L’Arche to follow up and/or take action on reports where corroborating information is limited.